Virginia Tobin

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Virginia Tobin

Virginia Tobin - a trailblazer in education. She graduated high school at 17 years old, immediately entered college, obtained a teaching degree, and was a full-time teacher in a 2-room Day County schoolhouse before she turned 19. Virginia always pushed herself to learn and do more. She joined the Aberdeen school district as Kindergarten/First-grade teacher and began work on an advanced degree to do more in the district. Virginia earned a master’s degree and was named Director of Special Education. Not long thereafter, she became the Aberdeen school district’s first female School Psychologist. In her final school district milestone, Virginia became assistant superintendent of the Aberdeen school district in 1978; one of the first females to serve in that position in South Dakota. While her professional accomplishments are truly impressive, Virginia always made sure her family was the most important part of her life. Virginia’s career cleared the way for many female educators and administrators to follow.

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