Make a Donation
Do your part to support the 100th anniversary celebration of women gaining the right to vote by donating to Her Vote. Her Voice. No matter the size, each donation will honor the lives and legacies of the brave South Dakota suffragists who forged a decades-long fight for the right to vote. Together, we can ensure this milestone in history is properly commemorated and proudly celebrated.
What Will My Contribution Do?
You will preserve South Dakota History for future generations. Just like the passage of the 19th Amendment wouldn’t have been possible without the brave efforts of activists of the past, our mission can’t be accomplished without your support. No matter the size, your contribution is making a difference. Learn more about adopting a collection >>>.
Suffrage Artifacts
In the current SD archives, we have very few artifacts of women’s influence on our state’s history. Main items include traditional kitchen materials and clothing. Women contributed to the home, their communities, businesses and so much more in diverse ways, but we’re missing the proof of their impact. Important moments of South Dakota women’s history are in danger of being forgotten. Your contribution will help us collect and properly preserve important artifacts that represent the impact of South Dakota women.
Spreading SD History
As technology continues to advance and our society moves toward mobile connection, we’re at risk of losing parts of women’s history that aren’t digitally archived. Contributions through HVHV will help us leverage technology to communicate, educate and share our state’s history. It will extend history through museums and outside of traditional spaces, making it culturally relevant, interactive and collaborative for audiences of all education backgrounds, ages and interests to enjoy and celebrate.
Oral History Project
Oral history collections are a powerful tool for meaningful education. Interviews often reveal personal, social, economic or cultural factors that impacted history. Funds raised through HVHV will kick off a three-year oral history project supported by the SD State Historical Society where over half of the interviewees will be women.
Awareness & Advocacy
Earning the right to vote gives everyone a right to have their voices be heard. The funds raised will support efforts to build advocacy and awareness, giving the public opportunities to engage with history as they make an impact on their own communities.
Honor a Woman
Lift up a woman who has impacted South Dakota’s history, past, present or future to be a part of our statewide Honor Wall. We will capture stories of our great grandmothers, grandmothers, mothers, sisters, and daughters.
Photo credit: Emily Costopoulos
Looking to Make a Legacy Gift?
Endowment gifts through the SD Historical Society Foundation will ensure the Society’s preservation work can operate into perpetuity. Donors willing to match campaign contributions allow HVHV to continue to collect, share and preserve women’s history for generations to come. Interested? Reach out to learn more.
Donate Artifacts
In order to grow and strengthen the history of our state, in partnership with the South Dakota State Historical Society, we’ve opened a call for South Dakota women’s historical artifacts. These donations will help create more robust exhibits, education programs and scholarly research opportunities. Suffragist papers, records and artifacts are encouraged. History might be lost if we don’t take action. Help us do something about it.
Photo credit: South Dakota State Historical Society
Help Save History
The ratification of the 19th Amendment was possible because activists of all kinds came together to work toward a common goal. Today, groups across the state are joining forces to preserve local suffrage history. Join the cause.
South Dakota Suffrage
Women were spurring change and fighting for equal rights even before South Dakota gained statehood. Learn about the local activists who led the charge and the journey that secured women the right to vote in our state.
Shop for a Cause
From campaign buttons to graphic tees, wear the Her Vote. Her Voice. message with pride. Each piece of merch sold helps preserve South Dakota history and honor the ongoing work of women’s right to vote. Plus, it’s all really cool stuff.