Tiffany Anderson Sanderson

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Tiffany Anderson Sanderson

In honor of her contributions to South Dakota education, youth leadership, and political engagement, we’d like to recognize Tiffany Anderson Sanderson. Beginning with a degree in Ag Education from SDSU followed by a master’s degree in human resource management from USD, Tiffany Anderson Sanderson’s career has always had education at its center. By serving in the SD Department of Education and working to develop curriculum through a private company, she has continued to focus on improving educational opportunities for all levels of education. A graduate of Lemmon High School, Tiffany currently serves as a Senior Policy Advisor in the Governor's Office, focusing on K-12 and higher education, Bureau of Human Resources, and Bureau of Information & Telecommunications. She also leads the Governor's workforce efforts. Tiffany lives in Pierre with her husband, Nathan, the executive director of a statewide trade organization, and their son, Carter, the director of their free time. She enjoys time with her family and friends, adventure in the outdoors, traveling, running, and supporting community efforts.

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