Patti Woods

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Patti Woods

Patti has the gift of caring. As Assistant Director of Emergency Management of Brown County, the COVID pandemic has kept them very busy organizing agencies to best serve the people. Her passion does not stop there. For over 20 years, Patti has volunteered for Groton Fire and Rescue. She began as an EMT and then became the first woman on the fire department and the only woman to date. Firefighters, EMS, and Law Enforcement personnel routinely witness horrific events. Patti is part of the Critical Incident Stress Management team which assists the local responders after a bad call. Her team hopes to help all of the responders to remain happy and healthy. Patti credits the teams that she works with to keep each other safe. She is quoted as saying, “As volunteers, we miss family events and are late for dinner many times but helping others is definitely instilled in our bones and we do what we can to help our neighbors. Isn't that what we are all called to do.”

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