Leone Egger Kayl

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Leone Egger Kayl

"My 98 year-old mom is a woman of valor and compassion deserving of honor. She has witnessed quite a span of time—from homesteader great-grandparents of Sweden and Switzerland in the late 19th century to the raising of her own family with six children in the middle of the 20th century and now in this 21st-century grandchildren and great-grandchildren embarked on their life journeys—all with her love and blessings.

She continues to engage politically. She has always voted and encourages others to do so. She deserves to be honored as do many women of her generation and before who worked so hard to pave a better way for their children, especially their daughters. I feel honored to have her as my mother."

Honored on by daughter, Jennifer Soule, on the Statewide Honor Wall

Today is a special day. Help us wish Leone a happy 98th birthday!

Consider lifting up an incredible woman in your life today as a part of Women's History Month. Visit www.hervotehervoice.org/statewide-honor-wall to get started.

Her Vote Her Voice