Roxanne Lucchesi

Roxanne Lucchesi

It’s hard to pick Roxanne Lucchesi out of the classroom of her college kids; she looks like one of them.  Roxanne is a professor of advertising at South Dakota State University and is known for her passion in giving students real life work experiences.  For over 30 years she has made a personal connection with students taking them on professional career trips and connecting them with industry experts through experiential projects in the classroom. Roxanne was awarded the South Dakota Advertising Federation’s Silver Medal Award for her involvement in this area. In 2020, the United States marked the centennial of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, commemorating women's right to vote. Roxanne and her class were instrumental members of the marketing team of the Her Vote. Her Voice. women’s history initiative which celebrated the occasion by providing education and advocacy across the state.

Roxanne holds two degrees: an M.S., advertising, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; and a B.A., journalism/advertising specialization, SDSU. She worked in media planning in St. Louis and Chicago prior to starting her teaching career. She is involved in a variety of committees in the College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Faculty Council, School of Communication & Journalism Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, and is the Ad Club Advisor. She has coached 19 teams winning regional awards and four teams winning national awards in the AAF’s National Student Advertising Competition during her tenure at SDSU. In her spare time Roxanne likes to read fiction, travel with her husband, and add to her antique collection of advertising characters.

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