Fee Jacobsen

Fee Jacobsen

Fee Jacobsen has been engaged in the Pierre community and a witness to South Dakota politics for years. Born and raised in India, where she married Jerry, her Peace Corps volunteer husband, Fee arrived in the US in 1968.  Leaving behind a life of luxuries, Fee started a new adventure with Jerry living on a sheep ranch in Butte County, SD. The change in environment was a huge transition for Fee from living in Bombay, with over 13 million people to living in a ranching community of seven. But she soon learned to love it.

She went on to work in the South Dakota State Legislature for many years, ultimately serving 11 years as Secretary of the Senate. In addition, she served several years on the South Dakota Humanities Council board. Locally, she’s been involved in the Pierre Chamber of Commerce, the American Cancer Society as a Reach to Recovery volunteer, was an exhibit curator for the South Dakota State Historical Society and in the 1990s purchased and restored an 1880s building in Pierre, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. For three years, Fee owned and operated Pierre Street Emporium - a fun shop, gallery and performance space which hosted local artists, musicians, authors, and artisans showcasing their South Dakota made items. In 2020, the United States marked the centennial of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, commemorating women's right to vote. Fee coordinated a fundraising event with friends to benefit the work of the Her Vote. Her Voice. women’s history initiative which celebrated the occasion by providing education and advocacy across the state.

Fee is an avid tennis player and a Master Gardener and collaborated with the Pierre Summer Rec program to start a Young Gardeners Club, where both plants and kids flourish. She also maintained the flower garden in Steamboat Park. From 1977-1988 Fee and Jerry owned Zesto – a Pierre icon of tasty summer treats.

 Consider lifting up an incredible woman in your life today as a part of Women's History Month. Visit www.hervotehervoice.org/statewide-honor-wall to get started.