Filtering by: Voter Education

The Embattled Vote in America
6:30 PM18:30

The Embattled Vote in America

Our friends at the Minnesota Historical Society present Allan Lichtman of American University.

Lichtman will explore how Americans have fought and died for the right to vote yet the world’s oldest continuously operating democracy guarantees the franchise to no one, not even citizens.

This lack of universal voting rights originated in a crucial mistake by America’s founders: omitting a right to vote from the Constitution and leaving the franchise to the discretion of individual states. The battles for the vote from the founding to the present, show that today our voting rights are in greater jeopardy than at any time in recent years.

Free, advanced registration required. Join via Zoom.


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Absentee voting available for the Nov. 3 election
to Oct 19

Absentee voting available for the Nov. 3 election

Absentee voting begins - September 18, 2020
Voter Registration Deadline - October 19, 2020
South Dakota's 2020 General Election - November 3, 2020

If you are unable to attend your polling place in person on Election Day, you may be eligible to vote by absentee ballot.

To vote by absentee ballot, a voter must request an absentee ballot application from your County Election Official. The County Election Official will send a paper absentee ballot to the voter. The voter then completes the ballot and returns it to the County Election Official.

In South Dakota, the County Election Official must receive your application for absentee ballot no later than 5 p.m. the day before the election. Your voted ballot MUST be received by your County Election Official on Election Day in enough time to deliver your ballot to your voting precinct before the polls close.

Make sure you are registered before you apply to vote by absentee ballot. You can confirm your registration by visiting the Voter Information Portal.

Click arrows for election and voting information from the South Dakota Secretary of State. >>>

Download absentee ballot >>>

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The Murky Past & Uncertain Future of the Electoral College
6:30 PM18:30

The Murky Past & Uncertain Future of the Electoral College

Our neighbors, the Minnesota Historical Society, presents the Live Virtual Lecture "The Murky Past and Contested Future of the Electoral College" with OAH Distinguished Lecturer Rosemarie Zagarri.

Zagarri, of George Mason University, will discuss the origins of the Electoral College as a jerrybuilt compromise, devised by the framers of the Constitution, that satisfied no one completely.

Free, advanced registration required.


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Preparing to vote in Nov 3 General Election
12:30 PM12:30

Preparing to vote in Nov 3 General Election

Facebook Live session with Sara Frankenstein 12:30PM CT | 11:30 PM MT Click arrows to go to Her Vote. Her Voice. Facebook page. Click on Facebook Live session at 12:30 CT. >>>

To vote in U.S. elections, you must be a U.S. citizen, turn 18 on or before Election Day, and meet South Dakota’s residency and registration requirements. Attorney, Sara Frankenstein, partner of Gunderson, Palmer, Nelson & Ashmore, LLP, will share information about voting. You may be surprised at some of the voting facts that she will share.

Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2020. South Dakota allows any voter to request a ballot by mail. You can also vote in person. South Dakota offers early voting.

Vote on Election Day

Voters registered in South Dakota can look up where to vote on South Dakota's site.

Vote early

South Dakota voters can also vote before Election Day through a process called absentee in-person voting. The period for absentee in-person voting runs from Friday, September 18, 2020 to Monday, November 2, 2020, but dates and hours may vary based on where you live.

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Voter registration deadline Oct. 19 for Presidential election
to Oct 19

Voter registration deadline Oct. 19 for Presidential election

Voter Registration Deadline - October 19, 2020
South Dakota's 2020 General Election - November 3, 2020

The deadline for voter registration is 15 days before any election. Your form must be received by the county auditor by this deadline if you are to vote in the next election.

Within 15 days you will receive a notice of your registration. If you do not, contact your county auditor. Any private person or entity registering voters is required to provide you with their contact information.

For more information click here to visit South Dakota Secretary of State Voter Registration. >>>

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