Rose Tomac Tidball

Rose Tomac Tidball

Author of “Taming the Plains” Rose Tidball was born Rosa Tomac in 1918 to Anton and Anna (Vukelich) Tomac on their homestead south of Morristown, SD. Anna and Anton Tomacs immigrated as young people from Perusic, in the former Austrian empire, now part of Croatia, and met south of Thunder Hawk. Rose spoke very little English until she started her education in a one room schoolhouse a few miles from their home. Education was always a priority in their family. Rose’s mother never learned to read and could barely write her name. Rose graduated from McIntosh High School in 1938 and then acquired a teaching certificate in Aberdeen. She taught ten years in rural schools, including two years with Native American students south of Watauga. She learned their language and helped them with their education. Some of her former students kept in touch with her throughout the years. Rose married William Tidball, raised four children on their ranch, and authored “Taming the Plains," documenting the history of the early ranches of Corson County.

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